Focus: The Key to Performance Improvements

Category: Strategy Published on Nov 08 2016

“Freedom follows focus.” Peter Sheahan


Peter Sheahan, author of Making It Happen: Turning Good Ideas Into Great Results, talks about how to generate high fees and high volume in any market. His number one tip is to do less. Yes, doing less can actually lead to both increased revenues and profitability. His point is that you can do many things and be good at them, or you can do a one or two things and be the best at them. And you can actually make more money, more easily by doing less and being the best.


The question then becomes, how do I know what to do? Where should I focus my attention?

The following tools are extremely helpful in the process:

 - Internal brand definition

 - Strategic plan

 - Clarifying questions


Your internal brand definition clearly states who the company is and what it will and won’t do to make money. Your strategic plan identifies current priorities for you to reach the future you desire. Your clarifying questions enable you to stay on track.


These three tools help you to focus on what is most important now to get you where you want to go in the future.  And they help you to identify and stop chasing shiny baubles. (Shiny baubles are those distractions that look like opportunities.)


When you focus on those things that are important you are empowered to accomplish more in less time. And wonderfully, those things you are completing are moving you towards your ultimate goals.


Now, the ironic part of this concept is that this focus and associated accomplishments ultimately provides the freedom to create the company of your dreams. As you get great at the one or two areas you are focusing on, your sales will increase, demand for your services or product will increase and customers will increasingly refer you to other ideal customers.


So what is holding you back from becoming more focused?